
First custom rod build - Nov 2020

Several months ago I finally gave up the search for an off-the-shelf casting rod with some fairly specific features.  There is probably a very long list of very good reasons which justify why none of the rod manufactures offer the kind of rod I was looking for, and there is a high probability that I will learn each one of those reasons the hard way, but being determined to fish with what I *think* I want to fish with...I decided to take the plunge an build a custom rod.  I do most of my fishing in the surf and my go-to rod is a 10' spinning rod.  The rod is rated for 10-20 lb line, 1/2-2 oz lure and has moderate fast action.  The thing I like the most about this particular rod is the layout of the handle and reel seat.  The reel seat sits about 18" up from the butt cap and the rear handle is a really comfortable split grip.  For me, this layout has great balance and my hands just seem to always be in a good position when casting.  I can easily flick a 1/16-1/8 oz c-rig in fron